Nearby accommodation
There is no accommodation for overnight stays in the Castle itself. There is accommodation in various categories and price points located near Castle Vöhlin Seminar Centre.

Hotel am Schloss
17 Single- and Five-Bedrooms
46 Beds in total
2 minutes' walk from Vöhlinschloss
Illertisser Hof
singel room
double room
family room
10 minutes' walk from Vöhlinschloss
Hotel Garni Altenstadt
25 rooms
10 minutes' drive from Vöhlinschloss Hourly trains to Illertissen. Train station at the hotel.
Eversleigh Illereichen
4 double Room
2 familiy Room
Vaciation Rentals
2 vaciaction rentals
15 minutes' drive from Vöhlinschloss
Kloster Brandenburg Iller e.V.
34 single room
16 double room
12 minutes' drive from Vöhlinschloss
>> zum Kloster Brandenburg Iller e.V.